Hello Washington DC! So nice to meet you President Lincoln!
Hello Washington DC!
Finally I'm here. This is my first time visiting Washington DC. :)
And finally I've met President Abraham Lincoln.
So nice to meet you President Lincoln!
Abraham Lincoln was America's greatest president all time, the most beloved president and left amazing legacy for United States. He preserved the Union during the U.S. Civil War and brought about the emancipation of slaves. The main reason to visit Washington DC for me was meeting President Lincoln. Inside of the Lincoln Memorial was so sacred, he was so majestic, I got just humble in front of him.
All men are created equal….
....and that government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the earth.
If you stand at certain spot, Lincoln's eyes catches yours, as if he is looking at you straight. So I talked with him for a while... :)
I visited at night as well.... then full moon!
Cherry Blossom is blooming... it was so beautiful at night with Washington Monument.
Washington DC is not only the Capital of USA, but also the city of the history of United States. The city is filled with the monuments and museums and archives, and you can learn about history of United States, it is quite educational. 555-foot Washington Monument (couldn't take my eyes off!) which is built to honor George Washington, the United States’ first president, is in the center of the city, Lincoln Memorial at the West, and the White House at the North, then Capital Hill is at the East, and there is huge National Mall connecting all those in long grassy beautiful park, along with many museums and archives. It is fun to walk!
The other thing I was most moved was to see the original of Declaration of independence. It is at the National Archives. You might have seen it in the Nicholas Cage film "National Treasure", but the original document was quite sacred and amazing, as you can really feel the history. The birth of the United States of America as an independent nation....
リンカーン•メモリアル、ワシントン•モニュメントと並んで感動的だったのは、National Archivesに貯蔵されている1776年に書かれたDeclaration of independence(アメリカ独立宣言)のオリジナル文書が見れたこと。ニコラスケイジ主演の映画、”National Treasure"の中でも出てくるあの文書です。本物の文書の放つ歴史の重さは相当のものでした。こうしてアメリカが誕生した、、、。
Right after that, I visited to National Air and Space Museum, there I saw the Apollo 11 Command Module, which landed the first two humans on the Moon. Magnificent history of mankind and America's history....
その後に訪れたAir and Space Museumスペース美術館で、今度はアメリカ建国から月日は流れ、アポロ11号の月着陸、人類の一歩を成し遂げたロケットの先端に息を飲み、壮大な人類の歴史、アメリカの歴史を感じ、、、、。
One thing that I missed was not be able to visit Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, so I have to come back again. :)
I saw beautiful sunset shining on earth from the flight back to New York...
Humble about the great footsteps left by mankind, piled up one step at a time to make history... and thought that every one is equal and free, every one has purpose and significance of being born, and we are all living to pursue the happiness and dreams... I will come back and see you again, Lincoln!
love, AK