AK'S US debut single "SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME" ranked No.1 on many charts from around the world!
Japanese Toshiba EMI recording artist AK comes to the US bringing with her a sweet love-filled ditty remixed by Francois K. and Erik Kupper. Her beautiful whisper-sweet vocals caress the song both in Japanese and English on this 2 version full vocal and dub, each donning their own side.
Francois Kevorkian & Eric Kupper remix of AK's single “Say That You Love Me” (released in US through King Street Sounds) gave her the first big ticket to the world. Even before its release, the promos were heavily played by such big name NY DJs as Francois Kevorkian & Danny Krivit of Body & Soul, “Little” Louie Vega, Kim Lightfoot, Frankie Feliciano, and soon it became a big hit in the US, Japan & Europe. It entered the charts of heavy play lists of BBS Radio, Galaxy FM in England, and became No.1 on many other hype charts!
This single is later edited by Danny Krivit, a NY legend, and included as a bonus track in “AK Trilogy”, a best album.
AK "SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME" FK-EK Remix AKの全米デビューシングル、世界中のチャ-トで堂々の1位を数多く獲得!
AKの”Say That You Love Me”は、Francois K & Eric Kupperによるリミックスで、待望の全米デビューシングルとして、NYのレーベル”KING STREET SOUNDS”よりリリースされ、ニューヨークのクラブBody & SoulでFrancois K. & Danny Krivit、"Little Louie" Vega, Kim Lightfoot, Frankie Feliciano等の超ビッグDJが逸早くプレ-したのを皮切りに、日本、ヨ-ロッパ等で大ヒットを記録。UKのBBC Radio & Galaxy Fm, Italyの各ラジオステ-ション、Norwayの各ラジオステ-ションでもヘビ-プレ-され、又、世界中のチャ-トで堂々の1位を数多く獲得!
Side A: FK-EK Japanese vocal mix
Side B: FK-EK dub
Catalog #: KSS 1133
Release Date: December 10, 2001