Thank you for your support for TOGETHER FOR 3.11 8th Anniversary Memorial for Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
Thank you so much for your warm support for Japan and TOGETHER FOR 3.11 8th Anniversary Memorial for March 11, 2011 Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims. Because of your continued support, we’ve had 400 people attended to the memorial on March 10, 2019 in New York, raised more than $4,500, and sent our prayer and warm thoughts to the people in the affected areas in Japan. We're deeply grateful…
NYで3月10日に行った第8回TOGETHER FOR 3.11東日本大震災追悼式典に、ご来場いただいた方々、ご協力いただいた方々、想いを寄せてくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。皆様の限りないご協力のおかげで、8年目の今年も400人余りもの多くの方々に来場していただけ、この追悼式典に寄せられた被災地への寄付総額は4500ドル以上となりました。震災で犠牲となれらた方々へ祈り、被災地の方々へ”忘れていません”というメッセージをNYから届けられたこと、あたたかい想いを寄せたメモリアルを開催させていただけたことに深くお礼を申し上げます。
We had wonderful speakers and video messages this year from the people living in the affected areas. Some of them are very young. Despite what they've been through with unimaginable difficult experiences, they change their desperation into hope and showed us their tremendous strength.
I was so honored to introduce a new Ambassador of Consul General of Japan in New York. He just arrived to NY last November, and while he was in Japan, he’s been to the affected areas numbers of time.
Video message from Yoshihiro Murai, the Governor of Miyagi Prefecture. He is dedicating his life to the recovery effort. He has resolved to help restore the vibrancy of Miyagi, Tohoku, and all Japan, because he believes this is the only way to honor the souls of those lost in the disaster.
The Circle Wind Boys & Girls Choir. Their singing voices always bring hope to everyone.
Video message is from Sayaka Tezuka, who was born in Saitama, not in Tohoku or one of the other affected areas. She moved to Kamaishi to join the recovery work. Now she is in charge of coordinating people who want to work in the forest of Kamaishi, not only local residents, but also people from other areas like herself.
Ms. Nanami Miura is now 19 years old and living in Toronto, but she was just 11 when the disaster struck. Fortunately her family members all survived, but their entire hometown was destroyed and they had to move. In her new school, she was bullied relentlessly for being from the affected area. She was completely traumatized. But despite her youth, she has worked very hard to stand up, and now shares her story as a storyteller to help prevent this kind of cruelty to others.
宮城県名取市の壊滅的な被害を受けた閖上で小学生で被災され、中学の転校先で被災者だからという理由でいじめに遭うという、想像を絶する辛い体験をされたにも関わらず乗り越えられ、”誰かが同じ思いをしないために語り部で一生伝え続けたい”と決心されている ユリアゲStory Guide. 語り部 三浦七海さん。
Every year the Minato Preschool sends us a video message. This preschool is in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, only 18 miles from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Despite their difficult lives, they keep sending us amazing, uplifting messages.
そして、毎年元気な声と未来の希望を届けてくれる福島県相馬市 みなと保育園。
You can watch all the speakers speech here.
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Youtube
These are some of the media coverage.
You can check all the photos & the media coverage here. TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Facebook
各報道、お写真はこちらにすべて掲載しております。TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Facebook
Again, thank you very much for your love & endless support for Japan.
We're deeply grateful...
AK Akemi Kakihara
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 主催代表
Fellowship for Japan
主催メンバーFellowship for Japanと、ボランティアのみなさん
主催メンバーFellowship for Japan
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Official Photography
© Masahiro Noguchi, Kiriko Shirobayashi, Ryoko Konami