AK's beloved DJ Danny Krivit 45years of DJing Celebration 100% 7" 45 Vinyl!
Danny Krivit and AK Akemi Kakiara: Photo by Hayato Foto
The party was incredible! Love & Joy, Great vibes all around. What an amazing special time that was. He is a true legend. Thank you Danny and Congratulations!
私の愛するDJ Danny KrivitのDJ45周年記念パーティ@OUTPUTは、最高のグルーブと愛に溢れた素晴らしい時間でした!来てくださった方ありがとう!ダニーDJ45周年本当におめでとう!
All Photos by AK Akemi Kakihara, except Danny & AK photos by Hayato Foto
I couldn't stop taking pictures! Not only from NY but so many fan and friends gathered from all over the world to celebrate Danny's 45th Anniversary of DJing! OUTPUT was packed with love & joy! Danny's smiling. :)
あまりにいい瞬間がたくさんで写真を撮り続けた夜。NYはもちろん、世界中からダニーを愛する多くのファン、お友達がお祝いに駆けつけて、会場は満場、熱気ですごい盛り上がり。Love & Joyにあふれ! ダニーも最高の笑顔。
100% 7" 45 SET! It was true rare experience but on top of that Danny played so many groovy special songs non stop, we are all hands in the air with joy!
It is simply amazing that Danny has been DJing 45 years, but his devotion, passion and love for music is so amazing , I deeply respect him.
I was watching Danny from the floor and thinking that how fortunate I am to be so close to him, I can't thank enough to him.
I'm sure that Danny will continue his music journey, and keep sharing joy and love with us.
Congratulations Danny!
I love you! X AK
I love you! x AK
Danny & AK Akemi Kakihara: Photo by Hayato Foto