The official site of AK Akemi Kakihara (柿原朱美), Japanese Singer Songwriter, Producer. Universal Music Japan recording artist. Living in New York. offers a biography, news, blog, music, videos, and photographs.
AK "Say That You Love Me" Re-produced & Covered by Track Maker R & Released! 11/27/2020
AKの代表曲 "Say That You Love Me"が、ロンドンと日本で活躍されているアーティストTrack Maker Rのニューアルバムに、新しくミックスされ、ゲストシンガー新澤美佳 (シンザワミカ)さんを迎えてカバーされリリースされました!ハウスボッサバージョンの"Say That You Love Me"です。アルバムのテーマは、”冬カフェBOSSA〜 カフェでもドライブでも聴きたい胸キュンなラブソング〜”。アルバムに並ぶそうそうたる日本の人気女性シンガーの中に、AKも入れていただきとても光栄です。ボッサハウスタッチの"Say That You Love Me"にかわいいミカさんのボーカル、とっても素敵です。ぜひ聴いてみてくださいね。love, AK
Track Maker R 冬カフェBOSSA〜 カフェでもドライブでも聴きたい胸キュンなラブソング〜 視聴&配信はこちらから
M-01 誰より好きなのに (オリジナルアーティスト:古内東子) M-02 美しく燃える森 (オリジナルアーティスト:東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ) M-03 Fly away M-04 ロング・バージョン (オリジナルアーティスト:稲垣潤一) M-05 人魚 (オリジナルアーティスト:NOKKO) M-06 come again (オリジナルアーティスト:m-flo) M-07 レイニーブルー (オリジナルアーティスト:徳永英明) M-08 ラムのラブソング (オリジナルアーティスト:松谷祐子) M-09 優しい雨 (オリジナルアーティスト:小泉今日子) M-10 Gift M-11 シャイニン・オン君が哀しい (オリジナルアーティスト:LOOK) M-12 Say That You Love Me (オリジナルアーティスト:AK) M-13 さすらいネコが駆けてゆく M-14 オリビアを聴きながら (オリジナルアーティスト:杏里)
Covering famous Western songs with club-type bossa and female vocals, and reaching No. 1 on the iTune Store’s general album chart in JAPAN every season, it became a huge hit series and became a “seasonal synonym” released every season. The production team of the Atelier Bossa Conscious series is the first to cover the chest-kyun song of Japanese music. With a light beat, the heart-pounding melody and singing voice are perfect for winter driving.
My song, AK written & produced "Only You" sung by Miyu Sakihi went to Japan's national pop chart, ORICON daily chart #11, Thank you for your love & support!!! X AK
みなさんの大きな愛とサポートのおかげで、私AK作詞作曲、アレンジ、サウンド・プロデュースした、咲妃みゆさんが歌ってくださった"Only You - 生まれ変わってもあなたがいい"が、なんとリリースして2日でオリコンチャートで11位になったということです!!!みなさんからのたくさんの暖かいメッセージや励ましのおかげです。本当にありがとうございます!30秒ですが、ビデオのティーザーをどうぞ。心を込めて作ったこの曲をみなさんにもお届けします。iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, その他からぜひチェックしてみてくださいね!
この嬉しいニュースと共に、昨日9月11日はNYの9.11で、祈る一日でした。私がNYに来たのは、9.11の前日、2001年9月10日です。あれから19年が経過しました。生きていること、そして家族や友達に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。大切な人に、後悔のないよう想いを伝えていけたらと思っています。 大変な状況が続いていますが、どうか健康で安全でいてくださいね。NYから愛を送り続けています!love, AK
I'm so happy to announce that AK written & produced "Only You" sang by Miyu Sakihi is released today from Universal Music Japan!!! It's on her first studio recording album "MuuSee" and my song is featured as a single! Huge thank you to Universal Music A&R Hirose-san in Japan, Mixing engineer Slavo in LA, Mastering engineer Randy Mirell @ Sterling Sound, my dear A&R Dreyson in NY, and an amazing singer Miyu in Japan!! I'm so happy and deeply grateful that we made it despite these difficult times... The entire recording was done remotely, but it made us closer & spiritually together! "Only You, you are the only one for me eternally..." I put all my love to this song. Check it out on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc. Hope you love it! X AK
今日はとっても嬉しいお知らせがあります!元・宝塚歌劇団雪組トップ娘役として活躍され、現在は女優・歌手として、ミュージカルなどでも大活躍されている咲妃みゆさんが、私AKの作詞作曲、アレンジ、プロデュースの"Only You - 生まれ変わってもあなたがいい"を歌ってくださり、本日2020/9/9、ユニバーサル・ミュージック・ジャパンから彼女の初のスタジオ・レコーディング・アルバム"『MuuSee』"のフィーチャリング・シングルとしてリリースされました!!!感動で胸がいっぱいです。
みゆさん、運命の出会いから1年、奇跡が運んでくれ生まれたこの曲に、天使のような歌声で、愛と命を吹き込んでくださり本当にありがとうございます!そしてアルバムリリースおめでとうございます!!夜中でも早朝でもいつもスタンバイしサポートしてくださった、ユニバーサルのA&R廣瀬さん、感謝が絶えません、本当にありがとうございます!Dreyson、いつも必ず私の心を読み取って素晴らしいチームワークで導いてくれてありがとう!Slavo、最高のミックスをありがとう、いつかLAで会えますように!Randy、今回も最高に輝く光の魔法をありがとう!そしてダニー、I love you forever! 心を込めて作ったこの曲をみなさんにもお届けします。iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, その他からぜひチェックしてみてくださいね!
大切な人に伝えたい、、、 Only You ”生まれ変わってもあなたがいい”。離れていても愛は届く、、、 心は繋がっている! love, AK 2020年9月9日
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 7th Anniversary Memorial for Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims, held on March 4, 2018 in New York, raised donation amount of $2,702.56. $1,084.78 was received by Ambassador Reiichiro Takahashi on behalf of Consulate General of Japan in New York, Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. $1,084.78 was received by Mr. Motoatsu Sakurai, the President of Japan Society on behalf of Japan Society, Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. $545 was raised by sales of the charity items and sent to the affected areas directly. Thank you so much for your warm support for Japan. We - the organizer of TOGETHER FOR 3.11, are so grateful.
3月4日にNYで行った第7回TOGETHER FOR 3.11 東日本大震災追悼式に寄せられた震災支援の寄付金総額$2,702.56の中、$1,084.78を在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館の日本震災基金へお届けし、髙橋礼一郎大使が代表で受け取ってくださいました。$1,084.78をジャパンソサエティの日本震災基金へお届けし、櫻井理事長が代表で受け取ってくださいました。$545をチャリティアイテム売り上げを通し、東北と熊本大分の被災地へ直接お届けしました。みなさまのあたたかいご支援、TOGETHER FOR 3.11, 主催者Fellowship for Japan一同、心より感謝いたします。
Thank you so much for your warm support for Japan and TOGETHER FOR 3.11 7th Anniversary Memorial for March 11, 2011 Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims. Because of your continued support, we’ve had 440 people attended to the memorial on March 4, 2018 in New York, raised more than $2,700, and sent our prayer and warm thoughts to the people in the affected areas in Japan. We're deeply grateful…
NYで2018年3月4日に行った第7回TOGETHER FOR 3.11東日本大震災追悼式典に、ご来場いただいた方々、ご協力いただいた方々、想いを寄せてくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。皆様の限りないご協力のおかげで、今年は去年を上回る440人もの多くの方々に来場していただけ、東北の被災地と熊本大分へ祈りと支援を送る事ができ、この追悼式典に寄せられた寄付総額は2700ドル以上となりました。主催Fellowship for Japan一同、心から感謝しております。
It’s been 7 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011. People in the affected areas are facing more struggles after 7 years. But they keep move forward every day.
We had wonderful speakers and video messages this year from the people living in the affected areas. Some of them are very young. Despite what they've been through with unimaginable difficult experiences, they change their desperation into hope and showed us their tremendous strength.
We had very special guests from one of the hardest-hit areas in Fukushima Prefecture. They came to NY all the way from Fukushima to share their story. The Futaba Future High School was founded in 2015 with the mission to produce future leaders who would create sustainable societies in local communities and around the world. The school is located in Fukushima's Futaba District, which is also the location of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. When the earthquake and power plant disaster forced the residents of that area to evacuate, many students had to move to other prefectures. One of the students, Ms. Satsuki Sekine will share her story, translated by Mr. Ryo Endo.
Satsuki Sekine: Students of Futaba Future High School, Fukushima Prefecture (Speech) 福島県立ふたば未来学園高等学校:関根颯姫(さつき)(スピーチ)
Ms. Akari Otomo was born & raised in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, very close to the coast. The quake & Tsunami struck & devastated her hometown, shortly before she started her first year at Miyagi University. She & her family were some of the fortunate survivors. She studied graphic design at University and learned how design work could contribute to the disaster recovery process. After graduation, she moved to New York in 2016 to pursue her dreams.
Video message is from Shoma Okamoto. He was born in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture. He lost his friends and his hometown. When the disaster struck, he was in Tokyo, but he returned to Rikuzentakata with a deep commitment to help. He set up the Sakura Line 311 NPO Organization, and with volunteers he started to plant cherry blossom trees throughout Rikuzentakata, at the exact height the tsunami reached, so that they will be a life-saving guide in future disasters, and will also give the residents lines of beautiful sakura trees, that they will enjoy for many years.
My favorite musician & great soulful singer & drummer Mr. Reed invited me to his studio in East New York!
AKのファバリットミュージシャンであり、素晴らしいソウルシンガー&ドラマー、Mr. Reedが、East New Yorkにある彼のスタジオに招待してくれました!
Subway Station, that's where I heard Mr. Reed for the first time. One day, I heard soulful, funky & cool vocal & drumming at Williamsburg, Brooklyn subway station, Bedford Ave. It was so powerful, so I couldn't pass by... I listened to his whole performance, and everyone gave him a big round of applause! It was incredible. That was Mr. Reed.
Mr. Reedとの出会い。それはウイリアムズバーグの地下鉄。 ある日地下鉄で、とてつもなくかっこよくて、ソウルフルでファンキーな歌とドラムが聴こえてきて、パフォーマンスがあまりにもパワフルで、立ち止まり釘付けに。 私はもちろん周りの人達が全員拍手喝采! そのアーティストがMr. Reedでした。
I was so moved, excited and couldn't stop thinking about it, so I told all about it to my husband Danny Krivit "I saw an amazing performance at subway station today!". :)
Not only his performance was amazing, but also his smile was with such happy vibe, so I kept hoping to run into him again... but I couldn't see him for a while....
And...miracle happened... my wish was granted! I've finally met Mr. Reed in person! Not only that, we became a good friend.... what a wonderful life... thank you god!
Actually, Mr. Reed was on the popular music TV program "America's Got Talent", and Howard Stern raved about him! Who could've imagined that one day I meet Mr. Reed and get close to him... I'm so humble.
And, Mr. Reed will be performing for us on Saturday December 9, 2017, at J-Collabo Art Event & Party! I'm a committee member for J-Collabo, and I will be doing MC. :)
September is precious month to me. 15 years ago, today, September 10th in 2001 was the day I moved in New York and started living in New York. So today is my 15th anniversary!
And 9.11 happened very next day… it was quite tough start not having any friends, but New Yorker helped me regardless of where I'm from. I was so touched and loved New York immediately.
15 years later, I have friends and beloved family. And New York became my HOME.
I still feel the same about New York, fresh everyday, very exciting, there is nothing you can't do. The most Inspiring city.... I love New York!
Danny Krivit and AK Akemi Kakiara: Photo by Hayato Foto
The party was incredible! Love & Joy, Great vibes all around. What an amazing special time that was. He is a true legend. Thank you Danny and Congratulations!
私の愛するDJ Danny KrivitのDJ45周年記念パーティ@OUTPUTは、最高のグルーブと愛に溢れた素晴らしい時間でした!来てくださった方ありがとう!ダニーDJ45周年本当におめでとう!
All Photos by AK Akemi Kakihara, except Danny & AK photos by Hayato Foto
I couldn't stop taking pictures! Not only from NY but so many fan and friends gathered from all over the world to celebrate Danny's 45th Anniversary of DJing! OUTPUT was packed with love & joy! Danny's smiling. :)
100% 7" 45 SET! It was true rare experience but on top of that Danny played so many groovy special songs non stop, we are all hands in the air with joy!
AK Akemi Kakihara, Midtown, New York, NY, Summer 2016
Very hot summer day in New York. Currently 96 F, 35 C. Officially announced as feels like 106 F, 42C! Still I love summer. Wishing you a wonderful summer too! X AK
今年のNYの夏はとっても暑い日が続いています。今日も35度。なんと体感温度は42度を記録!NYでもこんなに暑い夏は久しぶり。でもやっぱり夏が好き。みなさんも素敵な夏を!love, AK