The official site of AK Akemi Kakihara (柿原朱美), Japanese Singer Songwriter, Producer. Universal Music Japan recording artist. Living in New York. offers a biography, news, blog, music, videos, and photographs.
I'm so happy to announce that AK written & produced "Only You" sang by Miyu Sakihi is released today from Universal Music Japan!!! It's on her first studio recording album "MuuSee" and my song is featured as a single! Huge thank you to Universal Music A&R Hirose-san in Japan, Mixing engineer Slavo in LA, Mastering engineer Randy Mirell @ Sterling Sound, my dear A&R Dreyson in NY, and an amazing singer Miyu in Japan!! I'm so happy and deeply grateful that we made it despite these difficult times... The entire recording was done remotely, but it made us closer & spiritually together! "Only You, you are the only one for me eternally..." I put all my love to this song. Check it out on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, etc. Hope you love it! X AK
今日はとっても嬉しいお知らせがあります!元・宝塚歌劇団雪組トップ娘役として活躍され、現在は女優・歌手として、ミュージカルなどでも大活躍されている咲妃みゆさんが、私AKの作詞作曲、アレンジ、プロデュースの"Only You - 生まれ変わってもあなたがいい"を歌ってくださり、本日2020/9/9、ユニバーサル・ミュージック・ジャパンから彼女の初のスタジオ・レコーディング・アルバム"『MuuSee』"のフィーチャリング・シングルとしてリリースされました!!!感動で胸がいっぱいです。
みゆさん、運命の出会いから1年、奇跡が運んでくれ生まれたこの曲に、天使のような歌声で、愛と命を吹き込んでくださり本当にありがとうございます!そしてアルバムリリースおめでとうございます!!夜中でも早朝でもいつもスタンバイしサポートしてくださった、ユニバーサルのA&R廣瀬さん、感謝が絶えません、本当にありがとうございます!Dreyson、いつも必ず私の心を読み取って素晴らしいチームワークで導いてくれてありがとう!Slavo、最高のミックスをありがとう、いつかLAで会えますように!Randy、今回も最高に輝く光の魔法をありがとう!そしてダニー、I love you forever! 心を込めて作ったこの曲をみなさんにもお届けします。iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, その他からぜひチェックしてみてくださいね!
大切な人に伝えたい、、、 Only You ”生まれ変わってもあなたがいい”。離れていても愛は届く、、、 心は繋がっている! love, AK 2020年9月9日
If someone asks me "Who is your favorite musician?" My answer will be "EUMIR DEODATO" with no hesitation, and I will say his album "PRELUDE" and "LOVE ISLAND" are my most favorite albums". In fact, I wrote my very first song in my life inspired by his album, when I was 8 years old, without knowing that one day I will meet Deodato!
The song I wrote was Bossa Nova, quite similar to his song "Carly and Carole". :) I was actulally already playing Electone back then and playing songs like "Man and Woman", "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" since I was 5, so it was quite natural. :)
I can't forget the vision I saw when I listened to the song, "Spirit Of Summer". The vision I saw was that a boy watching the sunset going down at the shore, leaning his back on the tree. It is middle of the hot summer, all you can hear is ocean waves. His body was just silhouette against sunset, and he is just keep watching sunset… it was quiet, but very emotional.
アルバムに入っている"Spirit Of Summer"を聴いた時、あるビジョンが目に浮かんだことが忘れられません。ひとりの少年が海辺で背中を木にもたれて、ただじっと夕陽が海に沈むのを見つめているシーン。静かな真夏。波の音だけが聞こえる海辺。夕陽に照らされて見えるのは彼の体のシルエットのみ。静けさの中にも、狂おしいほどのエモーションが潜むことを生まれて初めて感じた瞬間でした。
Eumir Deodato and AK Akemi Kakihara
Ever since then, I had been a big fan of Eumir Deodato. And miracle happened...I met him in Japan. I told him how much I love his songs, but he told me it's impossible for me to be a fan of him, because I was too young (well, I was 8 when I listened to his songs), so I sang his entire solo in front of him. He was amazed and believed me finally, and to my surprise, he came to my apartment and played piano for me!
He told me that "I haven't played piano for someone for a long time. You made me want to play it again." I can't tell you how much I was touched. He told me that "If you need any help, just call me". Since then, we have been a great friends.
AK Album "YES" recording in London 1998. Piano by Eumir Deodato.
The opportunity came when I produced album "YES". It was a London recording. He came to London from New York, and we did the session together for the first time, it was magical...