Thank you for your support for TOGETHER FOR 3.11 7th Anniversary Memorial for Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims
Thank you so much for your warm support for Japan and TOGETHER FOR 3.11 7th Anniversary Memorial for March 11, 2011 Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims. Because of your continued support, we’ve had 440 people attended to the memorial on March 4, 2018 in New York, raised more than $2,700, and sent our prayer and warm thoughts to the people in the affected areas in Japan. We're deeply grateful…
NYで2018年3月4日に行った第7回TOGETHER FOR 3.11東日本大震災追悼式典に、ご来場いただいた方々、ご協力いただいた方々、想いを寄せてくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。皆様の限りないご協力のおかげで、今年は去年を上回る440人もの多くの方々に来場していただけ、東北の被災地と熊本大分へ祈りと支援を送る事ができ、この追悼式典に寄せられた寄付総額は2700ドル以上となりました。主催Fellowship for Japan一同、心から感謝しております。
It’s been 7 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on March 11, 2011. People in the affected areas are facing more struggles after 7 years. But they keep move forward every day.
We had wonderful speakers and video messages this year from the people living in the affected areas. Some of them are very young. Despite what they've been through with unimaginable difficult experiences, they change their desperation into hope and showed us their tremendous strength.
第7回TOGETHER FOR 3.11東日本大震災追悼式典 出演者
We had very special guests from one of the hardest-hit areas in Fukushima Prefecture. They came to NY all the way from Fukushima to share their story. The Futaba Future High School was founded in 2015 with the mission to produce future leaders who would create sustainable societies in local communities and around the world. The school is located in Fukushima's Futaba District, which is also the location of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. When the earthquake and power plant disaster forced the residents of that area to evacuate, many students had to move to other prefectures. One of the students, Ms. Satsuki Sekine will share her story, translated by Mr. Ryo Endo.
Satsuki Sekine: Students of Futaba Future High School, Fukushima Prefecture (Speech)
Ms. Akari Otomo was born & raised in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture, very close to the coast. The quake & Tsunami struck & devastated her hometown, shortly before she started her first year at Miyagi University. She & her family were some of the fortunate survivors. She studied graphic design at University and learned how design work could contribute to the disaster recovery process. After graduation, she moved to New York in 2016 to pursue her dreams.
Akari Otomo (acary), Illustrator, Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture (Speech)
宮城県岩沼市出身 イラストレーター:大友あかり"acary" (スピーチ)
Video message is from Shoma Okamoto. He was born in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture. He lost his friends and his hometown. When the disaster struck, he was in Tokyo, but he returned to Rikuzentakata with a deep commitment to help. He set up the Sakura Line 311 NPO Organization, and with volunteers he started to plant cherry blossom trees throughout Rikuzentakata, at the exact height the tsunami reached, so that they will be a life-saving guide in future disasters, and will also give the residents lines of beautiful sakura trees, that they will enjoy for many years.
壊滅的な被害を受けた岩手県陸前高田市出身で、ご友人を亡くされ、新たな決意と共に東京から陸前高田に戻られた岩手県陸前高田市 NPO法人桜ライン311代表理事の岡本翔馬さんは、”私達は悔しいんです”と、津波の到達点に桜並木を植え続け、未来の防災のため、ふるさとの復興のために尽力されています。
Shoma Okamoto, Director, Sakura Line 311 (NPO), Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture (Video Message)
岩手県陸前高田市 NPO桜ライン311代表:岡本翔馬(ビデオ出演)
You can watch all the speakers speech here.
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Youtube:
Circle Wind Boys & Girls Choir (Performance)
風の環少年少女合唱団 (演奏出演)
Masao Uchibori, Governor, Fukushima Prefecture (Video Message)
Minato Preschool, Soma, Fukushima Prefecture (Video Message)
These are some of the media coverage.
フジテレビ ホウドウキョク:
主催Felllowship for Japanのメンバーと、ボランティア
You can check all the photos here.
Again, thank you very much for your love & endless support for Japan.
We're deeply grateful...
AK Akemi Kakihara
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 主催代表
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Executive Director
Fellowship for Japan
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Official Photography
© Lisa Kato, Masahiro Noguchi, Kiriko Shirobayashi