TOGETHER FOR 3.11 raised more than $2,700 and sent to the affected areas in Japan!
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 7th Anniversary Memorial for Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Victims, held on March 4, 2018 in New York, raised donation amount of $2,702.56. $1,084.78 was received by Ambassador Reiichiro Takahashi on behalf of Consulate General of Japan in New York, Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. $1,084.78 was received by Mr. Motoatsu Sakurai, the President of Japan Society on behalf of Japan Society, Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. $545 was raised by sales of the charity items and sent to the affected areas directly. Thank you so much for your warm support for Japan. We - the organizer of TOGETHER FOR 3.11, are so grateful.
AK Akemi Kakihara
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 Executive Director
Fellowship for Japan
3月4日にNYで行った第7回TOGETHER FOR 3.11 東日本大震災追悼式に寄せられた震災支援の寄付金総額$2,702.56の中、$1,084.78を在ニューヨーク日本国総領事館の日本震災基金へお届けし、髙橋礼一郎大使が代表で受け取ってくださいました。$1,084.78をジャパンソサエティの日本震災基金へお届けし、櫻井理事長が代表で受け取ってくださいました。$545をチャリティアイテム売り上げを通し、東北と熊本大分の被災地へ直接お届けしました。みなさまのあたたかいご支援、TOGETHER FOR 3.11, 主催者Fellowship for Japan一同、心より感謝いたします。
AK Akemi Kakihara
TOGETHER FOR 3.11 主催代表
Fellowship for Japan