The official site of AK Akemi Kakihara (柿原朱美), Japanese Singer Songwriter, Producer. Universal Music Japan recording artist. Living in New York. offers a biography, news, blog, music, videos, and photographs.
You are always there for me, supporting me, encouraging me...
My sweet beautiful love, you truly are such a special & amazing gift on earth. I am so fortunate to be with you, and ever grateful for you... Thank you for existing... I love you...
かけがけのない愛、ダニー。 あなたはこの地上に誕生したスペシャルなギフト。 こんなに素晴らしい人と一緒にいれて私は本当に幸運です。 心から感謝しています。 この地上に存在してくれてありがとう、、、I love you Danny...
May your brand new year filled with lots of smile, joy and happiness! Happy Birthday!!!
新しく始まる1年がさらに輝き、笑顔と喜び、 幸せあふれる素晴らしい1年となりますように! お誕生日おめでとう! love, AK
Dear my family and all my friends… Happy Thanksgiving! Every year when I cook turkey for thanksgiving, I think of my dear friends and family. You are the reason why my life is filled with love and smiles. Thank you so much always! I'm so grateful...
My beloved DJ Danny Krivit's resident party 718 Sessions celebrated 14th Anniversary! Dance floor was filled with happy energy, smiles, music & dance lovers! I'm so happy to be a part of this, one and only, open to anyone, full of love party for 14 years!
愛するDJ Danny Krivitのニューヨークでのレジデントパーティ 718 Sessionsが14周年を迎えました!
Nantucket is off the coast of Massachusetts, tiny island filled with natural beauty. Danny has spent summer in Nantucket every year with his family since he was little. His mother moved to Nantucket several years ago, so we have been visiting her every year, and Nantucket is absolutely my favorite island in the whole world.
It is almost impossible to describe how beautiful Nantucket is… Hundreds of feet of fine sand reaching from you to the ocean, and the sea is shallow to a distance from the shore gently away from the water's edge.
島の美しさは言葉にできないほど、、、。 見渡す限り広がる真っ白な砂浜と、どこまでも遠浅の青い海。
Simple wood houses, encounter rabbits and deer in the garden. Wake up with the birds singing. A walk dirt trail though low-lying vegetation, bayberry, little blue stem, and scrub oak... Big blue sky… My heart opens up as time slowly flows by…
Nantucket used to be the whaling island. The houses on the pictures are the classic style house of Nantucket. They often have the white balcony called "Widow's Walk", where a wife waited for her husband’s safe return from sea. The next sail to top the horizon may well carry her husband, gone to sea...
Many houses in Nantucket are filled with flowers like British garden. I used to have my own flower garden, so I love flowers so much. My most favorite flower shop in the world is here in Nantucket. (F.L.O.W.E.R.S)
AK's favorite flower shop in Nantucket: F.L.O.W.E.R.S
There are so many lovely shops in town, too. The pharmacies are still old-world charms with soda fountains & ice cream bar. Cute goods stores, boutique and bakeries, it is fun just walking in town.
But I love most in Nantucket is beauty of nature. ocean and blue sky. The time spending only with wind and light. Nostalgic views. A sky full of stars at night. Nantucket...tiny island where the time flows slowly. Thank you for the unforgettable memories for this summer again.
でも私がナンタケット島で一番好きなのは、やっぱり自然の美しさ。 海と空。 風と光だけで過ごす時間。ノスタルジックになる風景。 夜は満天の星。 ナンタケット、、、ゆったりと時が流れる小さな島。 今年の夏も忘れられない想い出をありがとう。 love, AK
AK Akemi Kakihara & Danny Krivit, Nantucket Summer 2016
The plan changed. It's getting closer to the Birthday party, started getting panic, but no option to give up since this is very important her "big 5" Birthday!
So I came up with the new idea, "how about melt marshmallow, and make bunny? Challenge.... it's very sticky when marshmallow is melted, so I added powder sugar and tried my best to make bunny! This is the best I could do for this time, hope she loves this bunny!
By the way, this is a strawberry short cake, 4 layers! Lots of strawberries inside. :) Actually, this is my first time making strawberry short cake all by myself, so it was quite challenge but the cake was so soft, moist and fluffy! Not to sweet. Yummy! But, spreading the whipped cream was real challenge, because you can't spread again and again, only once specially the top! I think making cake is basically very intense. lol
AK Akemi Kakihara hand made bunny strawberry short cake
Those wood log bunnies are there too as her friends! :)
My heart was jumping bringing my cake, but as soon as Renka saw the cake, she said "So cute!", I hugged her so tight!! She said "Yummy!". That made my day, I was just so happy. Thank you Renka!
Danny Krivit and AK Akemi Kakiara: Photo by Hayato Foto
The party was incredible! Love & Joy, Great vibes all around. What an amazing special time that was. He is a true legend. Thank you Danny and Congratulations!
私の愛するDJ Danny KrivitのDJ45周年記念パーティ@OUTPUTは、最高のグルーブと愛に溢れた素晴らしい時間でした!来てくださった方ありがとう!ダニーDJ45周年本当におめでとう!
All Photos by AK Akemi Kakihara, except Danny & AK photos by Hayato Foto
I couldn't stop taking pictures! Not only from NY but so many fan and friends gathered from all over the world to celebrate Danny's 45th Anniversary of DJing! OUTPUT was packed with love & joy! Danny's smiling. :)
100% 7" 45 SET! It was true rare experience but on top of that Danny played so many groovy special songs non stop, we are all hands in the air with joy!