The official site of AK Akemi Kakihara (柿原朱美), Japanese Singer Songwriter, Producer. Universal Music Japan recording artist. Living in New York. offers a biography, news, blog, music, videos, and photographs.
I made Heart shaped Pineapple pside down cake for Danny's Birthday! This is Danny's most favorite cake and it was his request. Cake baking is always challenge but I tried my best! :)
Pineapple upside down cake is very popular cake in America, but I've never had it before I met Danny. First time I've ever had this cake was when I visited Danny's mom. His mom baked cake for his coming home - how sweet - and as soon as Danny saw the cake, he was so happy! I ate it and "Yummy!".
Danny told me that when he was little he asked his mom for this cake for his birthday every year. Danny's mom gave me the recipe, and I started bake too.
It is quite simple. You melt butter at the bottom of the pan, then put brown sugar, pineapple, maraschino cherries, then yellow sponge cake batter, then bake in the 350 F oven around 30 min until toothpick doesn't get any wet batter at the center, that's it.
作り方はとってもシンプル。まずバターをケーキ型で溶かして、ブラウンシュガーを散りばめ、その上にパイナップル、真ん中に缶詰のチェリー、その上に普通のスポンジケーキの生地を流し入れ(市販のスポンジケーキミックスでもOK)、350 F (175度)で、爪楊枝をケーキの真ん中にさしてなにもつかなくなるまで、30分くらい焼くだけ。
As name Pineapple upside down cake goes, literally you put pineapple first on the bottom of the cake pan, bake, then turn upside down, there you are! Pineapple upside down cake!
It's Danny's special birthday, so I made it heart shaped. :) Cake baking promise the happiness, specially when it's in the oven, sweet smell fill up entire house.
The plan changed. It's getting closer to the Birthday party, started getting panic, but no option to give up since this is very important her "big 5" Birthday!
So I came up with the new idea, "how about melt marshmallow, and make bunny? Challenge.... it's very sticky when marshmallow is melted, so I added powder sugar and tried my best to make bunny! This is the best I could do for this time, hope she loves this bunny!
By the way, this is a strawberry short cake, 4 layers! Lots of strawberries inside. :) Actually, this is my first time making strawberry short cake all by myself, so it was quite challenge but the cake was so soft, moist and fluffy! Not to sweet. Yummy! But, spreading the whipped cream was real challenge, because you can't spread again and again, only once specially the top! I think making cake is basically very intense. lol
AK Akemi Kakihara hand made bunny strawberry short cake
Those wood log bunnies are there too as her friends! :)
My heart was jumping bringing my cake, but as soon as Renka saw the cake, she said "So cute!", I hugged her so tight!! She said "Yummy!". That made my day, I was just so happy. Thank you Renka!