Saturday brunch under the sunshine! @ Smorgasburg in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY
Saturday brunch under the sunshine! @ Smorgasburg in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY. Awww…blue sky & sunshine.. Whole Watermelon juice was heaven! Spring is finally here in New York!
75+ vendors offer very delicious food. Oyster bar (yes, they open in front of you), Lobster (super yummy!), vegan food, whole watermelon juice (heaven!), and also Japanese Shaved Ice! (with coconut cream topping, unique & healthy!)
The Smorgasburg is an open-air food market on Saturdays on the Williamsburg waterfront in East River State Park and Sundays in Prospect Park in Brooklyn, NY. They've started in 2011, seasonally open from end of March to around October. Usually from 11am to 6pm. Almost all the vendors are from local famous restaurants, so it's packed every weekend!
Waiting more than 30min is a must at the popular vendors. My eyes were caught by whole watermelon juice, it was magnet, then discovered that it's like Disneyland ride waiting! Oh well, let's see... and about 40 min later... it was worth it! So yummy!!! Already decided to try oyster & shaved ice for the next time. :)
人気ベンダーは30分待ちはマスト。いきなり目に留まったのは、スイカ丸ごとのジュース。”かわいいー!”とビジュアルにひかれたものの、ほとんどディズニーランドのライド待ち。苦笑 でも並んだ甲斐があって、スイカ丸ごとジュースおいしいいいい!すでに次回はオイスターと、かき氷にトライしなくちゃ、と思っているところです。笑
Picnic on the green lawn with Manhattan skyline view... couldn't ask more.
It was very hot day, but brunch under the sunshine is the best. Thank you my dear friend Megumi to take me out! Smorgasburg season has just started, so I'm sure I'll be a repeater, so if you happen to see me there, just talk to me, a whole watermelon juice will be on me! :)
love, AK
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